Project Charter Template: Introduction

The following are project artifacts necessary to initiate a project:

  • Project Charter
  • Project Statement of Work (SOW)
  • High-Level Business Case
  • Enterprise Environmental Factors
  • Organizational Process Assets


Purpose of the Project Charter

The purpose of this Project Charter is to detail the project scope boundaries (what is and what it is not included in the project).  It communicates the project’s purpose and justification.  It designates the project manager (PM) and gives the PM the individual authority to manage the project and to use resources.

The Project Charter also communicates to the stakeholders what constraints management has placed on the project (resources, time, and budget) and what assumptions management has made about the project’s organization and product.  It is a living document updated during meetings, conference calls, etc.  It is also reviewed by various stakeholders.

Excerpts from:

  How to Initiate a Project and More, Dowdell, 2017

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