Project Artifacts to Initiate a Project – Enterprise Environmental Factors

The following are project artifacts necessary to initiate a project:

  • Project Charter
  • Project Statement of Work (SOW)
  • High-Level Business Case
  • Enterprise Environmental Factors
  • Organizational Process Assets

Enterprise Environmental Factors

At the beginning stages of a project, enterprise environmental factors (introduced in Chapter 1) may not be easy to identify.  However, these factors can influence and affect the development or content of a Project Charter and the initiation of a project.  Governmental and industry standards, for example, are factors that should be considered and detailed in a Project Charter if applicable.  Regulations are also environmental factors that should be documented in a Project Charter if these will have an effect on a project.  Organizational culture and structure are environmental factors that can influence and affect the development of a Project Charter, for example, since these may dictate its development such as format, content, etc.

Excerpts from:

  How to Initiate a Project and More, Dowdell, 2017

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