Table Calculations

Moving Average

A Moving Average calculation helps compute average values based on a range around current values to smooth out fluctuations in your data to obtain a better view with broad trends. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies.

Percent Difference

A Percent Difference calculation helps compute the percent difference in values from previous, next, first, and last data marks across a table. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies. Relative to Previous: This is the default setting, and the one shown above. Subtracts a value from a …

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A Difference calculation helps compute the difference in values from a previous, next, first, or last data marks across a table. It defaults to compute the difference between previous values. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies. Relative to Previous: Subtracts a value from a previous one …

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