Dimensions and Measures

Dimensions are categorical or qualitative fields. Measures are aggregable or quantitative fields. The following data fields are considered dimensions and are categorical: The following fields are considered measures, which can help generate sums, averages, aggregated items, etc., or answer questions such as ‘how much?’ Rows, Columns, and Marks When you place fields on rows or …

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Moving Average

A Moving Average calculation helps compute average values based on a range around current values to smooth out fluctuations in your data to obtain a better view with broad trends. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies.

Percent Difference

A Percent Difference calculation helps compute the percent difference in values from previous, next, first, and last data marks across a table. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies. Relative to Previous: This is the default setting, and the one shown above. Subtracts a value from a …

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A Difference calculation helps compute the difference in values from a previous, next, first, or last data marks across a table. It defaults to compute the difference between previous values. Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table: Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies. Relative to Previous: Subtracts a value from a previous one …

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