A Percent Difference calculation helps compute the percent difference in values from previous, next, first, and last data marks across a table.
Using Tableau’s Global Superstore Orders table:
- Drag an Order Date field from the Data pane to the Columns shelf.
- Control and drag the Date field to Color on the Marks card.
- Drag a Sales field from the Data pane to the Rows shelf.
- Control and drag SUM(Sales) to Label on the Marks card.
- Drag another Sales field from the Data pane to the Rows shelf.
- Right-click this Sales field (second one), select Quick Table Calculation and Percent Difference. This second Sales field will have a delta symbol.
- Control and drag the second Sales field (with the delta symbol) to Label on the Marks card. You may need to format this field to percentages.
Format: You could format the fields with corresponding currencies.
Relative to Previous: This is the default setting, and the one shown above. Subtracts a value from a previous one (next to it), then divides it by the previous value. $2,677K minus $2,259K = $418K; then divides it by the previous value of $2,259K, * 100 = 18%. Next: $3,406K minus $2,677K = $729K; then divides it by the previous value of $2,677K, * 100 = 27%. Next: $4,300K minus $3,406K = $894; then divides it by the previous value of $3,406, * 100 = 26%
Relative to Next: Subtracts a value from the next one (next to it), divides it by the next one, time 100.
Relative to First: Subtracts every value from the first one, divides it by the first one, times 100.
Relative to Last: Subtracts every value from the last one, divides it by the last one, times 100.